Cremation Options
Elmlawn provides complete cremation services. At Elmlawn, we offer a range of options for those who choose cremation from traditional ground burial or elegant but affordable above-ground burial.
When you choose cremation, there are several memorialization options for you to consider.
- Ground Burial in any of 10 Interment Gardens for one or two cremains.
- Ground Burial in a Single Full Size Grave for one or two cremains.
- Mausoleum Niche for one, two or three cremains.
- Mausoleum Single Crypt for one full body and one cremains.
- Glass Front Niche for one or two cremains (bronze urn required).
- Tranquility Walk for one or two cremations which you can choose a bench, bevel or boulder.

About Cremation
Elmlawn provides complete cremation services. At Elmlawn, we offer a range of options for those who choose cremation from traditional ground burial or elegant but affordable above-ground burial. We even offer options for a couple to consider when one person chooses cremation and the other does not.
Elmlawn’s Family Service Counselors will be happy to provide brochures to help answer questions you might have regarding cremation and the disposition of the cremated body. To order brochures Free of Charge or to set up an appointment to discuss cremation, contact us.
Cremation Urns
You may choose from a wide variety of urns on display in our office.
Cremation urns are available in several sizes and materials appropriate for ground burial or mausoleum niche placement. Besides the urns in our display, we have an extensive list of suppliers to provide very unique and personal designs of urns.